Here we go with a list of rants, speculations, and other nonsensical nonsense.
I should blog more often. Sure, I could make excuses that I've been super-busy, or engulfed with some sort of monstrosity of a task, but alas, there are no excuses. There is only a lack of motivation to do so, and for that, I apologize. I should be more involved with this blog, like I have been in the past, but alas, I have no viable excuses. I really should blog, not only for myself, but for all of you readers.
On a more negative note, now I sit at that awkward "in-between" stage, or finishing a printing tshirt project, and having no idea where I will go from here. I figure that I'll eventually find inspiration in something, and then I'll find a project to work on, or something like that.
Anywho, I figure that this blog is better than no blog at all. I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek at some editing.
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