Here we go with a list of rants, speculations, and other nonsensical nonsense.
I should blog more often. Sure, I could make excuses that I've been super-busy, or engulfed with some sort of monstrosity of a task, but alas, there are no excuses. There is only a lack of motivation to do so, and for that, I apologize. I should be more involved with this blog, like I have been in the past, but alas, I have no viable excuses. I really should blog, not only for myself, but for all of you readers.
On a more positive note, I finished a printing tshirt project recently, and I was pleased with that.

On a more negative note, now I sit at that awkward "in-between" stage, or finishing a printing tshirt project, and having no idea where I will go from here. I figure that I'll eventually find inspiration in something, and then I'll find a project to work on, or something like that.
Anywho, I figure that this blog is better than no blog at all. I hope you enjoyed the sneak peek at some editing.
Thanks to all you new followers, and thanks to those "old-folks". I appreciate you all for following and commenting me, and supporting me in this odd thing we all call life. Thank for reading, and look for another new entry this evening, if you're lucky, and if I find some inspiration. Thanks again, and have a wonderful day.
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